17. mars 2013

Sigurd i Novice Select Tournament

Northeast Eagles Minor Hockey Association - powered by LeagueLineup.comEtter uttakning i januar har Novice Select hatt treninger og kamper nesten hver uke - i tillegg til sine ordinære klubblag. Det kjøres disiplin og forventes at man stiller i god tid, selv på trening (også i arbeidstiden... kjekt med hjemmeværende!) Det er mye snakk om konkurranse fra foreldrenes side innen hockey, og vi var spent på hvordan dette skulle bli. Hvilken flott opplevelse og erfaring det ble!! Laget har hatt en vanvittig sportslig progresjon, ikke minst som et lag. Det har vært veldig høyt nivå, og kampene mot andre klubblag har gitt mye god erfaring. I tillegg har det vært en særdeles trivelig gjeng, både blant guttene og også foreldrene.

Det hele bygget seg opp mot Novice Select Tournament 14.-17.mars. North East Eagles-guttene spilte vanvittig bra, og gikk ubeseiret til finalen på søndag. Det var første gang i historien at vår klubb kom til finalen. Der møtte vi Mount Pearl, som slo oss 0-1... Skuffelsen var nok stor, men Ian's familie hadde invitert til pizza etterpå og der fikk guttene lekt og kost seg. Og som om de ikke hadde fått nok hockey i helga; hva er vel bedre enn å gå ut og spille ball hockey etter maten...?

Både foreldre og trenere kan ikke få fullrost laget (og hverandre) etterpå. Alle synes det er synd det er over. Forhåpentligvis treffes vi igjen på nytt team til høsten :o)

Åpningssermoni - spillerne blir ropt opp en og en, med røyk og lys :o)
Her er Sigurd på vei ut.

Åpningssermoni - her er alle lagene som deltar.

Kampen er i gang...
... og vi skårer!!!

Pep talk

Det er ulidelig spennende å se på... Øystein bak vantet med andre foreldre.

Vi vant - og er i finalen!!

Vi ble slått, men vant virkelig sølvet i denne turneringen.
Kjempeinnsats! Sigurd får sin medalje.

North East Eagles Novice Select Team 2013.
Sigurd & Jake


Sølvet er virkelig verdt en kake :o)

Gutta får aldri nok av hockey...!
Men det var noen som sovnet fort søndag kveld :o)
Her er noen av epostene som gikk rundt mandag formiddag:

Good Morning everyone,

I couldn't let the day pass without extending a few comments. Firstly, a HUGE  'Congratulations' and 'Thank You' to the coaches! Your dedication has not gone unnoticed and the instruction and encouragement you gave the boys this weekend certainly showed on the ice. I am so proud of the team! Each line had its own personality and gelled so well. They worked so hard and it was a great accomplishment to be in that championship game!

I also wanted to extend a thank you to Ray and Chantelle for opening up your home last evening for a post-game celebration! It was lovely and much appreciated.

Trevor and I did take a lot of pictures this weekend and I hope to edit and share with you as soon as possible. If anyone has any pics of #10, please email to me as well.

You are a fine bunch, and it was a pleasure to spend this Paddy's Day Weekend with you all

Hey everyone,

I think more then a hockey team was formed here, I think some lasting friendships, some laughs, conversations, and some mutual respect for a group of  coaches, players and parents who came together forming a team that did a spectacular job this past weekend! The boys progressively got better and better from the first practice to their last game.  Way to go guys, you are true Champs!!

And to Ray and Chantelle, a heart felt thank you to offer up your house to the team, it was the icing on the cake for such a wonderful experience participating in the Novice Select Program. 

To everyone, it was a pleasure to have met you all and I am sure we will cross paths in the world we now all know as hockey.
Hey Eagles!
I would like to reiterate the pleasure it was to be part of such an enjoyable experience with a great group of coaches and a wonderful group of kids. 
Many of your comments have touched on this but what often gets lost in the game itself, the wins and losses is the life lessons that the kids take from these experiences. The two that jump top of mind for me during this tournament is Hard work and respect. Firstly, The kids clearly bought into the message that if you work hard you can always be proud of yourself and more often than not you will get rewarded. Secondly, is not only having respect for each other but also respect for your opponents. Thank-you Bill for reminding us all of this important lesson after the Bay Roberts Rovers Game.
Great experiences like this form friendships and bonds for kids and parents that is hard to explain but great to be part of.
Our little EAGLETS will walk a little taller and smile a little broader!
Truly great stuff!!

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